Tips on Getting a Car Loan Approved After BankruptcyA car loans after a bankruptcy is one way to help build back your credit history. In fact, once your bankruptcy closes, you can apply for a car loan the next day. To get approved with the best rates for your car loan, follow these tips. Not everyone can afford to buy a car without a loan. Therefore, a loan really saves and you can comfortably go to work and on errands. More tips can be found at visit Review Your Credit ReportBefore you start applying for a car loan, check out your credit report and make sure all your accounts are in order. It is not uncommon after a bankruptcy to see open accounts that should be closed, which hurt your credit rating. Plan Your Car PurchaseBefore purchasing a vehicle, decide what you can afford in a monthly car loan payment. This will help you decide which financing package is best for you. Both the loan amount and length of payments will determine your monthly payments, so there is flexibility in determining which vehicle you can afford to purchase. Use A Car Loan LenderCar loan lenders make their money by finding you a loan. Car loan lenders work with several financing partners to back loans with all types of credit risk, including bankruptcies. Explain Your SituationCar loan applications will ask if you have ever declared bankruptcy and why. This is your chance to explain what led up to the situation and what steps you have taken to resolve your credit situation. Be sure to include improvements in your financial history too. Consider RefinancingOnce you are approved for a car loan, keep your eye on future refinancing. By making regular payments on all your bills, in a year's time you could qualify for significantly lower interest rates. In three years, you can build your credit score to near excellent and qualify for even lower rates. |
